Active development has begun. Currently, design specifications and road map drafts are being created. A high level project description is already available through the resources page.

XHTML 1.0 compliant

Welcome to the DeviceCal project site.

Initial Concepts

Part of operating in an ISO compliant environment is the requirement to show record of maintenance and calibration of equipment and processes used in a manufacturing environment. This can also extend to maintenance of other equipment, machinery and tooling.

The actual process and quantitative data that must be obtained during a calibration or inspection of any given device varies greatly from device to device and industry to industry. DeviceCal will serve as a high level management system for these records. The goal is to create a system into which any type of calibration or inspection record may be entered, tracked and analyzed.

“Designers must do two seemingly contradictory things at the same time: They must design for perfection, and they must design as though errors are inevitable. And they must do the second without compromising the first..”
Bob Colwell

PHP and MySQL will be used as the programming platform for this project. The choice to use a “web” technology was made due to the operating system independence. These two web technologies perform equally well across all major operating system platforms. They require minimum resources on the user's end and do not require the installation of any software other than a web browser - which is usually installed with all major desktop operating systems.

The combination of PHP and MySQL is no longer limited to the realms of large corporations or the internet. Preconfigured packages such as WAMPServer, XAMPP, SME Server and many other variants, now make operation of a web technologies server/service easy and economical for any size organization within their own walls.

This is another OpenSource project under public license. This means that it is free for personal, educational, commercial and non-profit use. The source code is freely available.